Leal poetess

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Saturday, August 19, 2006
Whole in the Emptiness

Each time I die and lose a part of that fragile soul I once had, I learn that I can be more whole than I ever was if I allow Christ to fill the missing pieces in my heart. I've never been enough for this life, but I was enough to die for in my most depraved state. I can't say I'll never long for affirmation, but I do know that I have all I need in Christ when I am willing to seek it from him. I realized after years of bruising my soul by my perceived inadequacy that this is all I need and I've finally found peace in it. Sometimes I still mourn the loss of who I once was. Someone who knew pain and suffering, but had parts of my heart untouched by it. Perhaps I always will, but I do know this: that God is making a new thing, it springs up, do you not perceive it? He is making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland... How else could there be a path for Living Water in my life if it weren't broken at all?

posted by megan 6:45 PM
